Sunday, January 25, 2009

Liberty University Distance Learning Program - A Brief Student Review

As it says in my profile, I am a FT student. I had attended college right after high school like most people do; however, I soon found that the program I was in (Emergency Health Sciences - Paramedic) was not for me. This, in addition to some extenuating circumstances at home, I stopped attending. A lot of things happened in my life over the next 7 years and I never returned to any other school to finish any degree. However, after I got married and settled down, I decided that I needed to go back then or never have the opportunity to do it again. I was 26 years old. I fell into the trap known as University of Phoenix, which was a horrible school to say the least. While it is a topic for another post altogether, I will say that this school (at least when I was there) was nothing but an EXTREMELY expensive diploma mill who had unqualified instructors. While I do not know for a fact, I can say that somewhere I imagine the instructors are informed to be very lenient with grading. Reason? - If students get bad grades or fail, they will not return, which = fewer profits. Let's just say I will post on this topic a bit more fully some other time.

About a year into my tenure at University of Phoenix, God told me that I was not in the right place. I was not being challenged at all and really was only learning APA formatting and spending thousands to do so. Upon my searching, the first Google search pulled up Liberty University. Obviously, to me, this was a sign! I did not even know that Liberty had a distance learning program. I was in search of a program that was not 100% online. Meaning, I was looking for a distance learning program that was an extension of an already well established institution. Turns out, not only was this the case, but Liberty was actually a pioneer of the Distance Learning format, starting way back with their VHS Bible classes.

I did some further searching, but not very much. From the moment I saw the programs offered at Liberty, I knew this was where I was meant to be. I enrolled in the B.S. Management Information Systems program and am now a senior. Liberty University's curriculum is fantastic - exactly what I was looking for. I am challenged every day and have a lot of work. However, what is good is that I am actually LEARNING, which is much better and more worthwhile than simply paying $60,000 for a piece of paper (like at University of Phoenix). The instructors are very knowledgeable, helpful, and genuinely committed to the success of the students. No wonder Liberty University is ranked #3 overall for their Distance Learning program. The cost for attendance is a bit more than a state brick and mortar, but there is no way I could possibly complete a program like that. However, even though LU is a private university the cost is very reasonable. To anyone that is considering an online education, I highly recommend looking into the programs they have at Liberty University. They offer certificate, undergraduate, and graduate programs in a number of disciplines.

In addition to promoting a school that I love, I also wanted to put this post in here to explain some of my seemingly random posts that may arise in the near future. We have many writing assignments in my coursework and I plan on posting some of my responses and assignments in my blog. I am hoping that it might help others in researching as well as showing the level of work required at LU.

What My Intent Is Not

It is not my intent to post material for others to use as their own work, i.e. plagiarism. It is an unfortunate reality that this happens all the time. Again, that is another topic for another post; however, I doubt it will do any good. Those that plagiarize generally do so in spite of possible failure and expulsion. Sad really. So it doesn't really matter how much I say not to do it, those that do will and those that do not won't. That being said, any post that I make that is from my work at LU will have the letters LU in parenthesis rather than explaining in the beginning of each post where it came from.

1 comment:

Scott Fillmer said...

nice post about LU, my wife started her graduate work a few weeks ago and I start in May, glad to see from someone who has been there a while that you still think highly of their program.

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